Porqué registrarse ?
Rutronik24 offers access to additional services and individual order details through our secure, online ordering system. Registration offers you the advantage of expanded online services. Below is a comparison of services offered.
To register, complete and submit the registration form. Rutronik24 personnel will verify registration information, confim via email, and you will have access by the next business day.
Registered customers will have access to protected information. Information will include detailed order history and expanded services.
Customer and account numbers are stored allowing shipping/billing addresses to preload.
Función | Not registered | Registered |
Complete Productportfolio |
Pricebreaks |
Access to your contracted pricing |
Rutronik Stock |
Orders and Requests |
Procurement |
Massquotation |
Catálogos |
Descargas |
Regístrese ahora |